
Model Portfolios

Your portfolio photos are very important if you're a model actively booking with an agency. Your photos are meant to showcase your unique features for commercial and runway modelling jobs and are thus your most important sales tools.

A strong portfolio will make it easier and faster for a booking agent to match you with casting directors and jobs. Make sure your portfolio includes a headshot and full length shots. Your photos should have some variety, aim for 5-8 different looks to showcase your versatility. This should include a top-notch headshot.

Here's what Miracle Kerr, Agency Director at Miracle Management has to say,

"Headshots and Portfolios are a NECESSARY INVESTMENT. Don’t expect anyone in the industry to take you seriously if you do not have the proper headshot, let alone portfolio. This is a highly competitive industry, so don’t even think about contacting an agency if you’re not willing to take this seriously. The agency will be out here trying to get you work and auditions, and if you're unable to provide them with the tools they need to book you work, then you’re not ready.

Great headshots are NOT DONE FOR FREE, and your friend with a camera does not have the professional skills required to make you marketable to casting directors."

Get high quality photos for your portfolio to help you shine through and be memorable after every audition. This means great lighting and confident poses that capture your personality.